HCMC Police clean up road after accident

22/06/2020 | Views:

MPS - After a truck accident on Highway No.1, a large amount of mud poured on the road, causing traffic congestion. The police force of District 12, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) immediately arrived at the scene and cleaned up the mud, rearranged the situation.

The incident happened at 1 pm on June 21, when driver Nguyen Duc Nhat (born in 1993) was driving a truck carrying mud, toward the overpass of Tan Thoi Hiep leading to An Suong, District 12, HCMC. 
While running past the 5/2 section of Highway No.1, the truck suddenly crashed into the road divider and turned over. After the accident, the driver was slightly injured but the truck was seriously damaged.


All the mud in the truck boot spilled over into the road. The accident also caused a traffic congestion, creating a long line of vehicles on the road. 
Informed of the incident, a group of policemen from the District 12 Police Station raced to the scene and cleaned the mud. 
Due to a large amount of mud and heavy rain, after 3 hours, at 4 pm, all the mud was finally cleared up and the traffic was returned to normal.

by Hoa Binh

Source: Ministry of Public Security of Socialst Republic of Viet Nam (https//en.bocongan.gov.vn)

HCMC Police clean up road after accident
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